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A routine Vulnerability Scan is the fastest and least obtrusive way to identify dangerous vulnerabilities on your network and stay up to date against the latest threats. Our automated suite of vulnerability scanning tools search for unsafe and exploitable software configurations and assign risk levels to each.

All too often, vulnerability scanning is used in the cybersecurity business to create the illusion of security. The output of a vulnerability scan is checked for red flags (high risk vulnerabilities), those flags are listed in a report, and an implication is created that the system in question has a clean bill of health after addressing the issues in question. We keep to a higher standard.

Our vulnerability scans provide our team a big-picture look into a network so that we can personally review the findings. You can expect a detailed and handcrafted report listing our findings and the recommended steps for addressing those issues. 

Suggested duration:  Weekly scanning

Activities:  External and/or internal vulnerability scanning, analysis & review, reporting

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